How to Start Tire Recycling Business

Tire recycling companies recover scrap tires and convert them into products that serve as raw materials for various industrial and civil engineering processes. They ensure that tire disposal is a safe and environmentally friendly process that reduces waste and saves resources. To start a tire recycling business, you need a site to store and process tires, a stockpile of scrap tires and a good knowledge of the market for recycled materials. You may also need permits and licenses specific to the tire recycling industry.

Understand the market

Identify potential customers for the materials you recycle. This determines the type of equipment you get and the recycled products you offer. Road construction companies want shredded rubber crumbs to mix with hot asphalt. Incinerators and industrial heating plants also use rubber crumb for tire-derived fuels. Recycled rubber provides solid surfaces for areas such as playgrounds or race tracks. Tire manufacturers need recycled rubber to produce new tires. Modified scrap tires are suitable for engineering applications such as field drainage, road embankments and slope reclamation.

Find a location

Find a site in an industrial or rural area where you can safely receive, store and process large numbers of tires. Tire recycling is a noisy and dusty business, so check noise and zoning restrictions in your area. The site should provide easy access for trucks delivering scrap tires or collecting recycled materials. Secure the site with chain-link fencing and lockable gates, and make sure you have adequate fire prevention and fire-fighting equipment on site. Burning tires create toxic fumes and dense smoke that are harmful to the environment.

Set up a recycling plant

Purchase or lease new or used equipment for your recycling plant to process scrap tires. To handle incoming tires and materials on site, purchase or rent a forklift. A tire shredder with a set of screens of different sizes produces rubber crumbs in sizes tailored to specific customer needs. Large-scale shredders can also incorporate industrial magnets to separate metals from rubber to maximize recyclable materials. Purchase or rent containers to store recycled materials.

Tire Recycling Plant For Rubber Granules Making/Rubber Powder Making

Locate raw material sources

A steady source of scrap tires is essential for your business. Contact organizations that need to dispose of used car and truck tires, including service centers, tire retailers, cab and rental car companies, bus and coach operators, trucking and logistics companies, and businesses with fleets of cars or vans. List your facility in local business directories to promote your service. If you provide a scrap tire collection service, try to build a supplier base within a 100-mile radius of your site.

Obtain licenses and permits

Check your state’s licensing requirements for tire recycling. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, each state has its own licensing guidelines, with different requirements for registration, financial security, storage, processing and cleanup of tire piles. You may also need to obtain air quality, public health and fire safety permits, according to the Rubber Manufacturers Association.

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